Za poslovne partnerje

Basic information for foreign students

You can search for jobs on our website.

You have various filters and options for faster searching:

  • Enter keywords in the search bar, such as job type (e.g., promotions), location (e.g., Bežigrad), company, or “work from home.”
  • Sort by newest jobs or highest hourly rates.
  • Use the heart icon to save jobs you like.
  • Filters allow for favorite choices, job type, region, working hours, and net hourly rate range.

Choose a job that interests you, aligns with your studies, or offers enjoyable work.

You can easily translate all parts of our webpage (also the job-search part) with one click of your mouse.

Click with the right button of your mouse and select "Translate to English".

The translations may not be perfect, but they will help you find jobs easier for sure.

  • On the website, you’ll find available jobs from various employers across the country.

  • We collaborate with approximately 17,000 employers annually and successfully facilitate around 25,000 job opportunities each year.

  • Employers post jobs through an online form, which we quickly publish and notify suitable candidates.

  • Applications can be submitted electronically, making the process faster.

  • If there is a disagreement between you and the employer, we act as a mediator to help resolve the issue.

When searching for available jobs, always log into your profile to immediately see:

  • the company/organization name,
  • brand (local establishment),
  • job location and address,
  • employer contact details, and
  • the "Job Application Form."

You can view an UNLIMITED number of job listings and contact details daily.

When posting a job, employers decide on their preferred application method:

  • E-APPLICATION: Click the "Apply for Job" button and fill out the form.
  • EMAIL or FORM: Write an email with a cover letter and attach your CV. If a web form is required, fill in the necessary details.
  • PHONE: Call the employer as instructed in the job description, respecting their availability times.

If multiple options are available, choose the one that suits you best.

We offer advice and support when searching for jobs. To help you, complete the "Subscription to Job Notifications form".

After submitting the form, a "My Jobs" section will appear in your menu, showing only jobs that match your interests and criteria. If you opt-in for notifications, you'll receive alerts via email, SMS, or Viber whenever a suitable job becomes available.

The subscription process includes 4 steps:

  1. Data (region, job type, schedule, etc.)
  2. Skills and Experience
  3. Other (driver's license, additional skills)
  4. Preview and Save

"My Jobs" helps you filter and find available positions based on your selected criteria.

  • First, fill out the "Job Notification Subscription form".
  • The section then becomes "My Jobs."
  • The form includes specific criteria that match your preferences, skills, and competencies.
  • "My Jobs" streamlines your search, saving time by showing only those jobs that fit your interests.

When you click "APPLY FOR JOB" on a job listing, a form opens that you fill out and send to the employer.

  • This is a quick electronic application process, known as an e-application.
  • All applications are stored in one place in the employer’s profile, who receives immediate notification of new applications.
  • You can handle all communications with the employer electronically.
  • Employers are reminded to notify all candidates whether they were selected for the job or not.

On e-Študentski Servis, you can easily apply for jobs with a click "APPLY FOR JOB".

  • When you click the application button, a draft form opens, which you complete and send.

  • The employer receives the application in their profile and is notified by email of a new application.

  • Your application is saved in the "My Job Applications" tab, where you can track its status (received, read, selection completed) and see if the job is still available.

  • You can directly coordinate with the employer about the job and view all conversations. To see the conversation history, click OPEN.

A resume should be short, clear, and organized, with relevant information.


  • Personal/Contact info: Name, address (where you’ll live while working), date of birth, phone, and email.
  • Education: List schools in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent.
  • Work experience: Highlight student jobs, describe roles, and list in reverse order.
  • Achievements/Additional training: Skills, certificates, and projects.
  • Competencies/Skills: Communication, organization, etc.
  • Hobbies: Show interests that highlight your character.
  • References: Recommendations from teachers or past employers.

A motivation letter expresses your interest in a specific job and company/organization.

  • Introduction: State the position you’re applying for and why.

  • Body: Briefly explain why you want the job and what the company gains by hiring you. Highlight relevant skills, experience, and competencies. Include any additional skills or achievements. *Conclusion: Thank the employer, sign the letter, and attach necessary documents (CV, recommendations).

  • The letter should be formal and clear.

  • Don’t forget to check for spelling and grammatical errors.

Yes, as soon as the employer sends a message or reply to your electronic application, we notify you via SMS/Viber.

The message is also visible in your profile and in the "My Job Applications" list.

Even an interview for student work is crucial as it’s the employer’s first impression of you.

Here are some helpful tips: *Be on time: Write down the date and time. If online, check the link beforehand.

  • Dress and demeanor: Dress appropriately and maintain a positive attitude. *Research the company: Know their location and activities.
  • Review the job listing: Focus on the requirements.
  • Highlight your skills: Give examples of relevant experience.
  • *Prepare questions: Show interest.
  • Practice: Prepare for any tests or tasks.

If an unforeseen situation arises and you can’t make it to work or an interview, it’s important to notify the employer as soon as possible and ask for their understanding.

Although student work is not bound by a notice period, failing to inform the employer can cause inconvenience, possibly leading to conflicts or damage to your reputation.

Reliability matters, as future employers may check references with previous employers.

To feel more confident, here are some tips:

  • Research the company: location, website, products, or services.
  • Review the job description: main responsibilities and expectations.
  • Dress appropriately: it’s better to be overdressed than underdressed.
  • Prepare questions: ask about your tasks and expectations.
  • Show interest: be eager to learn.
  • Prepare necessary documents: check if you have your referral and ID.
  • Meet new people: remember names, join conversations.
  • Be open to learning: the first day is likely informative, so be ready to listen.
  • It’s important to stay positive and treat it as a learning experience.
  • Persistence is key—don’t give up after a few rejections.
  • It doesn’t mean you are unsuitable for all jobs.
  • Explore other positions that match your interests and apply for those you’d enjoy. *Our website offers a wide range of job opportunities.
  • Stay persistent and open to new chances, as the right one may come at any time.
  • Over time, you’ll gain confidence and experience in job searching.

Kako podaljšam status?

Piši nam na [email protected] ali pokliči na najbližjo poslovalnico.


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