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Basic information for foreign students

When applying for a job, a student can attach the "My Experience" document, which records the skills and knowledge gained through work via e-Študentski Servis.

The document lists competencies based on the type of work indicated on the referral.

The digital "My Experience" provides a detailed overview of work activities during student jobs.

Employers can see a simple, unified, and credible record of all the skills the student acquired during their studies.

Work experience has been recorded since 2005. You can export the "My Experience" document in English.

Competencies show what someone can accomplish and their attitude toward work.

They encompass knowledge, skills, abilities, and personality traits like values, motivation, self-image, emotions, and thinking patterns.

Competencies manifest in successful performance according to set requirements and in handling various work and life situations.

For every job you have done through e-Študentski Servis since 2005, the following is recorded:

  • employer,
  • number of hours worked, and
  • basic competency gained from the work.

This part is automatic, developed by e-Študentski Servis in collaboration with Nefiks. You also have the option to select additional competencies or skills that you believe you acquired during the work.

Employers increasingly value the experience acquired during studies through student work.

According to our data, most employers consider work through the student service during schooling a valuable experience for future employment.

Many students in their final years take on jobs related to their field of study.

During the selection process, employers often look for evidence that a candidate has developed the competencies needed to perform tasks effectively, ensuring that the student can meet job expectations.

Yes. If an employer wants to verify the authenticity of the recorded experiences, they can do so through e-Študentski Servis by sending an email to: [email protected].

Example: You have administrative work recorded, but you are doing marketing.

How it works: The recorded job depends on the type of referral you ordered before starting work. If your referral states that you are doing administrative work, competencies related to that will be recorded.

Solution: If you are doing marketing, we suggest ordering a new referral so that the competencies related to marketing are properly recorded.

Yes. Members of e-Študentski Servis can access their profile even after their student status has expired or when they are no longer students.

Yes, the entire "My Experience" is also available in English.

The Student Work Record contains all work experience gained through student jobs from June 2019 onwards.

It includes data on student work and acquired competencies.

The certificate can be attached when applying for student jobs or first-time employment.

The record is managed by the Student Organization of Slovenia. More info.

Kako podaljšam status?

Piši nam na [email protected] ali pokliči na najbližjo poslovalnico.


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