Za poslovne partnerje

Basic information for foreign students

The legal minimum hourly rate for student work from February 3, 2024 is:

  • GROSS: 7.21 €

  • NET: 6.20 € (paid to student bank account)

The difference between gross and net is a 13.95 % pension contribution, which is paid to the state and counts towards your pension period.

  • This contribution was previously 15.5 % until January 31, 2024.
  • Payment per piece or task must meet the minimum hourly rate.

To convert gross earnings to net and vice versa, use our calculator.

Employers usually set the hourly rate in advance, which is often mentioned in the job ad. To avoid misunderstandings, it’s wise to confirm the rate with the employer.

If you find a job independently, you and the employer must agree on the hourly rate. Training for the job is also paid. The rate must not be lower than the legal minimum.

If the employer offers a lower rate than advertised or below the legal minimum, notify us.

To calculate the cost of student work, employers can use a simple calculation.

It means you receive the payment the same or next working day after we receive the timesheet, while the employer settles the invoice within the agreed payment term.

If earnings are not advanced, you receive the payment when the employer pays the invoice.

If payment is delayed, we contact the employer to ensure you receive it as soon as possible.

e-Študentski Servis pays the entire earnings upfront as soon as they receive the timesheet from the employer (for employers with good credit).

This means you receive 100 % of your payment immediately without waiting for the employer to process their payment.

e-Študentski Servis advances over 90 % of student earnings.

The payment is processed once the employer submits the hours to e-Študentski Servis.

It’s important to agree on a payment date before starting the job, which is usually between the 1st and 15th of the month for the previous month’s work, but it can be later.

Typically, employers send the timesheet once a month, but you can arrange a different schedule with the employer.

Notification on your phone: On the day your payment is transferred to your bank account, you will receive a notification via SMS or Viber. The notification usually arrives around 3:00 PM, and the money is deposited into your account around 4:00 PM.

ONLINE: You can also check your earnings in your online profile.

KIDO 12 is a form that non-residents of Slovenia use to request a refund of the income tax advance (22.5 %). You get back the advance on the income tax if you come from a country that has signed a double taxation agreement with Slovenia.

Make a quick calcultation to check if your country has such an agreement.

  • After you receive a payment for student work to your bank account, we can send you fullfiled KIDO 12 form by e-mail, just let us know that you need it.

  • The form is also available on FURS website.

  • You can request it after each payment, once a month, at the end of the year, or for the last 5 years.

  • You can take the form or send it to FURS via mobile app.

  • If FURS authorizes the refund, they will transfer your advance payment to your bank account within a month.

  • For more information, read the FURS website where you can also find all the necessary forms.

  • If you are a non-resident and planning a long-term stay in Slovenia, you can regularise your residency status. More information.

NON-RESIDENTS of Slovenia have the following deductions from each payment:

  • 13,95 % pension contribution, which is transferred to the state and counts toward the pension period
  • 22,5 % income tax advance (only for students from countries without a double taxation agreement with Slovenia).

Example calculation for a NON-RESIDENT:

  • 40 hours at 7.21 €/hour gross (4.83 €/hour net for non-residents)
  • You receive 193.34 € net

If Slovenia has a double taxation agreement with your country, you can get a refund of the tax advance.

We have prepared a calculator where you can calculate your payment. When calculating, it is important to select the country you are coming from.

For a refund, you need:

  • KIDO 12 form. We can send you a pre-filled form after you receive your payment; just let us know that you need it.
  • Proof of education
  • Proof of residence

Submit these to the Financial Administration of Slovenia (FURS). FURS may request additional documents.

You have to sent/take these three documents to the tax office of the Republic of Slovenia (FURS), which will refund the income tax advance to your bank account (up to the amount of the special personal allowance applicable for that calendar year).

FURS may also request other evidence of eligibility for the refund of the advance payment of income tax.

If you are a RESIDENT of the Republic of Slovenia, you receive the net earnings to your bank account.

The difference between gross and net is a 13.95 % contribution for the pension, which is paid to the state and counts toward your pension period.

Example calculation for a RESIDENT:

  • Work 40 hours at 7.21 €/hour gross (6.20 €/hour net)

  • You receive 248.17 € net.

  • Use our calculator to determine gross or net hourly rates.

An employer cannot lower your hourly wage for work that has already been completed or change any previously acquired rights retroactively.

The hourly rate can only be reduced or adjusted from the moment the employer notifies you of the change.

Yes, the employer can transfer earnings retroactively, as you completed the work while you still had a valid student status and referral.

You can view the record of the hours you have completed through student work in the "My Experience" section.

Kako podaljšam status?

Piši nam na [email protected] ali pokliči na najbližjo poslovalnico.


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Od 3. februarja 2024

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